Monday, December 26, 2011

Merry Christmas

This is my follow-up post for Christmas. I would have loved to write something yesterday, but things tend to get busy with the house hopping and what not. This Christmas was one of the best that I've had in a long time. Sadly, I wasn't able to hang out with my cousin who was in Arizona with her parents. But, all in all, everything was great. I got to visit family and eat some food. Greatness, right? Oh, I also got presents.

This is my thing with the presents, more specifically clothes. Now, I'm appreciative of gifts, but I am starting to get concerned about clothes that are gifts. I still feel like my parents are trying to dress me. I tend to dress differently from my brother, and it seems like the clothes that I get are for him. Let's just say that I shop at different stores than my parents. I always feel like they want me to be thug-lite, which won't happen. I don't have enough street cred to pull that off. =)

So, my grandmother perhaps made my life with opening her Christmas presents. My brother, mother, and I picked her out a night gown and a pair of warm socks with grips at the bottom of it. She opened her gown, and  her voice does what it always does when she gets something. It shoots up like two octaves and she gets excited. But when she opened her socks, she looked confused for like two seconds. The socks were bound together by that plastic thingamajig. I did not expect her to do what she did....wait for it....she put the socks around her neck. Apparently, she thought that we bought her a scarf. She was over the moon because she loves scarves, which is perhaps where I got my hankering for scarves from. I almost fell out of my chair laughing because I just knew that she was joking, but they stayed there. Then, my lovely aunt told my grandmother that her scarf had heels on them. My grandmother looked down and saw the heels; the only thing that she could do was join everyone else in their laughter.

Then, there's two of my best friends from high school. I have to say that if I had brothers in a different lifetime, these two fellas would be my partners in crime. We took Beale Street by storm a couple of nights this week, and I was introduced to something called absinthe. I was nervous before because it sounded like Terry was saying absent and Clark, acid. I was thinking that both sounded dangerous and that I should stick to water. Turns out that we had a pretty amazing night. I got offers from this one lady from Scotland that me question ever going out again. After beginning our absinthe trip, we venture down to this Irish pub or whatever (thanks to Clark) to drink a little more.

When we got there, we ran into a couple of classmates from high school that was overly excited about seeing us. Yes, one was drunk and the other...pretty much shitfaced. They ended up leaving soon after we got there. It was at this point that I started to really feel the absinthe. I see that I get giddy when I'm having fun =). But, I sobered up for a bit when security rushed a group of people outside, and Clark and I got caught up in the crowd. Where was Terry? I don't know. When we got out of the moving crowd, I found the closest sit and parked it. We ended the night at Denny's where Clark almost drowned drinking his water, and Terry was fighting his Tourette's.

Again, I can honestly say that this Christmas was one of the most interesting and exciting that I've had in a long time. I'm hoping to kick it with my boys again before I leave, but if not I can be completely satisfied and prepare for this game that they are going to start with me because of recently shared information. lol

Have a blessed, safe, and happy New Year's!

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