Saturday, December 24, 2011

The Finale

Now, I'm sad to see this story end, but I guess all good things must. This has been a pretty interesting journey. I know that these recent posts have stemmed from my frustration with a certain PP, but I felt like this was entertaining, and I'm sure that you all have enjoyed it. In recent news, I now have pinterest and I'm lovin' it.

Well, without further ado, here's the last installment of The last situation happened while I was at the desk with other people present. Now, I have witnesses that I am not crazy. Well, I was at the desk with two other RAs and a Hall Director. I was about to start my round when everything happened. I know something was about to happen because time slowed down and everyone focused on the door. I turned around to see PP standing there pecking on the door. OH NO! With one mistaken step, I opened the doors and entered the PP. She comes in and goes straight to the bathroom. Then she comes out talks to the other RAs as if they were children (at least, this is what I think. But, I could be a tad bit biased.). They were shooting nerf guns in the lobby when there were only seven people in the building. Such troublemakers, right?

She wanted to make herself special I'm assuming. There was an open question: "Does anyone know what is the only open/unlocked building on campus?" I had a my own question that again went unasked vocally: "Do I look like I care?" Then, I'm assuming an auction started because I start hearing her asking "do you know? I know. Do you?" The answer to her open question was the Fine Arts building. Moreover, she made it seem as though she had special privilege. Now, I thought that the building pretty much stayed open because of the studios that the art students used. Then again, I guess I misunderstand things (you'll see what I mean soon).

So, she comes stating that I thought we were in college and things of that nature. I wanted so badly to ask, "what are you even doing in here?", but I didn't unfortunately. I think everyone else saw that my face asked the question that my mouth so wanted to ask. Then the tangents started. After I tried to figure the purpose of her even being here, she revealed that she wanted to use our printer. We abruptly told her that it was broken. We had no paper and something was wrong with ink cartridge. Suddenly, she laughed and started telling of how a room of Russian students were part of the KGB, a Russian national security agency. I think she accused them of trying to hack the FBI, but maybe...just maybe...they were playing WOW (World of Warcraft).

After that, she begins a tangent of how she misunderstood because she's a creative spirit. Now, I'm thinking it's not her creative nature that makes people misunderstand her. I think she's understood very clearly in fact. Say it with me, CRAZY. She was talking about how she needs her creative space and that she has to be creative in finding that creative space. I'm like, dude, just walk across the freaking creek and go be creative. I was're a painter, sculptor, and photographer? Just yesterday, you were freaking writer and editor. . Then, she did something crazy. She came at me. Saying "that guy behind the desk" does not exactly bring me good thoughts. I knew I was the guy she was talking about because I was behind the desk.

I was talking to Michelle thinking, Bro, she did not just come at me. With this confused look on my face, I turned to look at PP. She continues, "yea that guy. Now he's looking like 'what? are you talking about me'." I reminded myself of Kevin Hart when he was arguing with his daughter. The good thing is that I remained calm on the outside, but calm was breaking. I looked at Michelle and asked her, "is she referring to me?" I don't care if people talk about me. I feel like I'm doing a great job at life when people do, but when I'm "that guy" or "that boy" then things can get out of hand quickly. So, after figuring out why she is even in my presence, she changed topics again. I was about to tell her that she was a non-f***ing factor, but I let it go.

Then she started talking about our Housing Director. Now, I understand how some people are comfortable with others and give them nicknames, but this was further evidence that this lady is crazy. She kept telling us that our Housing Director Dean Gentry permitted PP to violate the rules essentially. We kept saying that we would have been notified if that was the case, but no...everyone was causing her friend's crisis. To distract myself from the insanity, I tried to come up with a fake conversation with Michelle. It worked for maybe forty-five seconds. The D-bomb was dropped multiple. This lady told us that Dean Gentry told her to call her Deb. ARE YOU KIDDING ME? How do you become on a first-name basis with deans on campus? I started laughing hysterically because I knew that this lady was certifiable. After the Hall Director strongly suggesting she call Dean Gentry, Dean Gentry. She played the age card. I'm like this is enough. I tune her out because I feel as though each second I hear her my IQ drops and I shave years off of my laugh.

That was last time I talked to crazy lady. I don't know what's going on with her. I wanted to see what was wrong, but now I feel like I can't help her. I wish her the best in life (no sarcasm applied here). But with this post, I celebrate Christmas with my family and finish out my vacation. Thanks for your time! I hope you enjoyed reading this journey just as much as I had writing it.

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