Sunday, January 1, 2012


Happy New Year! Woohoo!

I'm so excited to write my first post of the new year. While I was on facebook thinking of what my first post be (yes, I can do both), one of my friends had a powerful post. It read, "you dont need Jan1st to start over or get a clean slate, you can do that at any point in your life! Just remember that as you go into this new year :)" I couldn't describe how true that rang for me. I started thinking about this a couple of New Years ago. Last year, I told myself that I was going to write in my blog once a week, something like "In my life this week..." That idea was quickly shot down.

But, it was the idea that I started thinking about resolutions. Every year, I make a new year's resolution for it to last all of two months. I'm starting to give up on the dependability of a resolution for the new year. I'm all for having goals and dreams, but why wait until to start those changes. Yes, I love to actually say that I'm going to do better in school or become a better son/brother, but I think it's more to it than just to say it. You have to work at it. Change is good. Change is fun. Change is life. Embrace that change.

That's my thing: with saying "this is my one resolution," then you limit yourself as a evolving being. What if that resolution doesn't work? Do you stop working? No. And yes, you may have multiple resolutions, but then it becomes irksome to remember all of them. I just want to be able to wake up each morning the good Lord has been merciful enough to allow me to see, and I say, "I am going to be better than yesterday." My aunt once told me that everyone who is in your life isn't necessarily supposed to stay in your life. This assists with the betterment of your own well-being. And as corny as it sounds, it's remains powerful: Everyday is a gift. That's why is called the present. Live each day as best you can. When you're angry, be angry. When you're sad, be sad. When you're happy, be happy. These are your emotions. These are your tools to build who you are. How you react to situations. These feelings are part of what it means to be human. And, since I'm feeling pretty good this morning, I'll give you a little something for free:

Don't dwell on the negativity that hinders you from optimizing your potential!

Your potential is powerful. It's wonderful. It's you!

Have a blessed and wonderful day!

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