Saturday, June 4, 2011

The Beginning

Writing never seemed like something I would want to do. In high school, I took honor English courses, but I was never thrilled about writing, especially when you only hear and see the things you're doing wrong. At that time, I was still trying to find my voice in the world. I didn't know how to do that exactly. I grew up in an environment where my concern was taking care of those around me and not necessarily myself. My living situation wasn't ideal for me, but I definitely had it better than most. I faced some personal demons, and I had no way to overcome them.

It wasn't until my senior year of high school where I started to better my writing. I was in Advanced Placement (AP) literature with Mrs. Minnis who acquired the moniker Minnis the Menace. She was the type of teacher that made you hate her class when you were taking it, but gain so much appreciation for it afterwards. She always pushed me to be better than I was the day before. I reached a very critical point of my senior year where I got stressed with finals and AP exams approaching. In the midst of this crisis, my mentor of three years passed away. I sat in the class full of so many emotions and no way to express them aside from crying. She played sad, droopy music where it evoked a deeper cleansing. Yes, we cried heavily and snot flowed from our noses. We had lost a great educator, mentor, and person.

This loss caused me to push my writing further because I had to deliver a speech at his ceremony. In doing so, I found a passion for writing that I never felt before. Three years later, I found myself entering my senior year. I am excited I'm finishing up both of my degree programs. I will be graduation soon with a Bachelor degree in Professional & Technical Writing and also a Bachelor degree in English with a minor in Secondary Education.

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